Category Archives: Kids

Give Your Kids a Summer to Remember

When school lets out, do you and your kids think about all the potential fun you’re going to have over the summer? If the answer is yes, you are like countless family across the country. Yes, those families who can’t wait to pack their bags and head off for some fun and adventure. One of the biggest questions you will of course need to ask, where to head? For some families, the idea of staying relatively close to home is most appealing. Not only are shorter trips less of a grind,

Great Gift Ideas for Kids with Summer Birthdays

When you’re a kid your birthday is a big deal. I remember being younger and thinking if only I had a summertime birthday I could have a pool party, it would be warm outside, and everyone would be in the midst of the summer break mindset. Yet somehow, my friends with summer birthdays had a different idea. They always complained about how everyone was always on vacation during their birthday month, pool parties were only cool if all your friends could be there. Either way we all know that the

Three Great Family Activities to Start the Year

I know that a lot of moms enter each new year with two main wishes: firstly, that their family is happy and healthy for another 12 months, and secondly, that they get to spend more quality time together as a family unit. The thing is, you’re the only one that can make that second wish come true. These days, you really have to make time for one another amongst hectic work and school schedules, so I’ve come up with just a few family activities to get you started in 2017. Hopefully they’ll

4 Tips Mom Can Use for Better Family Health

For millions of moms across the country, taking care of their families is the first and foremost responsibility. Yes, some moms can go a little bit overboard in such efforts, but the majority of them will do whatever it takes to make sure their loved ones are happy and healthy. That being the case, moms should be thinking about how to keep their families on the healthy side of things as 2017 unfolds. While you can never guarantee a child or even a spouse won’t come down with something,