Tag Archives: home

Has the Time Come to Spruce up Your Home?

If you feel that now is the time to spruce up your home, where exactly do you get started? For countless homeowners, the notion of doing home renovations can seem like both a good and bad idea. On the one hand, there is nothing like feeling as if you have a newer home when you’ve made some renovations. But, pretty much nothing comes free in life. As a result, how will you pay for such home renovations? If you find yourself in such a quandary, weigh the pros and cons of doing renovations

5 Home Renovation Projects That Are Worth the Time and Cost

Do you look around your home every so often and contemplate taking on a renovation project? Most people feel the motivation to change or upgrade their home from time to time. If you are considering a home renovation, it's important to choose a project that will yield a good return on the investment of your time and finances. Here are several projects that can give your home a serious upgrade that's worth the effort of the project. 1. The Kitchen There's a reason a kitchen renovation is one of

Do You Want to Give Your Bathroom a Makeover? Here are Some Simple and Easy Ways How

The bathroom is supposed to be one of the best and most relaxing rooms in the home, but sadly, not many of us can boast of such. Most bathrooms are simply utilitarian spaces where we do our business and then get out. It doesn’t have to be this way, however. If you’re tired of having a dull and boring, lifeless bathroom, then this one’s for you: do you want to give your bathroom a makeover? Here are some simple and easy ways how. Use mirrors to your advantage You probably have a basic medicine

5 Ways to Make your Small Kitchen Look Bigger

The kitchen in the one room in the house where functionality and practicality rule, and if space is limited, it can make things a little cramped. Any well-designed kitchen would be laid out with function in mind, and the more space you have to work with, the easier it is. If your kitchen is lacking in the space category, here are a few ideas to create a feeling of spaciousness.   Use Low Contrast Colours – If you can stick to the same colour family with a little variation, this