Tag Archives: tech

Best Modern Technology for the Home

If you have a family like me then you will no doubt be facing the same problem as me when it comes to technology around the house, or more importantly, old technology. I've made something of an effort recently to clear out any old tech around the house and trying to cut down on the technology that we use especially the multitude of devices that we have that essentially do the same things. When it comes to the best technology you need around the house, here is what I've trimmed down to. Wi-Fi It

Are Online Criminals a Threat to Your Family?

While dad may oftentimes be the muscle of the family, few would doubt that mom is no one to mess with either. For many moms, they are the true caretakers in the family, the ones who not only protect their children, but also got out of their way to make sure family life is as good as it can be. That said many moms also play lookout when it comes to fending off online criminals. With so many American homes sporting one or more computers, it comes as no big surprise that online criminals

Android Based Laptops Are Going to Be the Next Big Thing

It is no doubt that the Android based smartphones are a huge hit all over the world. Being an open source platform it is popular among both the consumers as well as mobile applications developers. Well, if you have ever fancied android being used as the OS for your laptop and replace the old, boring and mundane windows tiles, well you imagination has turned into reality. Several technology companies are testing the idea of android based laptops and are trying to fine tune the technical glitches

5 tips to keep kids safe online

In the 21st century, the internet has ushered in a new world where information, media and entertainment is easily accessible at the click of a mouse. Unfortunately, this free and easy access has made it very easy for our kids to access age-inappropriate material, and it has made it easier for people with malicious intent (like bullies or predators) to gain access to and harm our children. There are many amazing benefits that the net can confer upon today's kids, but it is vital that you take