Great gift ideas for the elderly

Gift baskets are great gift ideas for the elderly ... photo by CC user Matthew Hoelscher on Flickr

Looking for some great gift ideas for the elderly? It can be tough, as they often have many things already, or the reality of life in this age cohort may make others impractical. However, the gifts listed below will often play well with this crowd, so read up on them, and get shopping, as you are running out of time…

1) A gift basket

When someone gets on in their years, it can be hard to know what to get for them, as there is a decent chance they have a house full of all the gadgets that folks had thought would be the perfect gift. One thing that is often greatly appreciated by most people though is a gift basket, as they are often filled with premium consumables that are a joy to eat or use.

From gourmet cheeses to high end cosmetics and colognes, gifts like these are well loved from the second the recipient opens it, so if you are drawing a blank, this option may be the out you have been searching for fervently.

2) Riser recliner chairs

As people get older, muscles, joints and ligaments atrophy, get creakier and weaken respectively. All of these conspire to make the simple act of getting around much more difficult. As humbling as this fact of life can be, many adapt to their new reality in short order.

One way to help your older loved ones make this transition is to make the act of getting to their feet as easy as possible for them. By purchasing a riser recliner chair, you won’t just be getting them a comfy place to watch their favorite TV shows, you’ll be helping them hold on to their independence as they continue to progress into their golden years.

Interesting in getting a product like this for one of your loved ones? Find out more about rise and recliner chairs at

3) A scrapbook filled with photos and mementos

With many decades behind them, the life experiences that the older adults in your life can be used to give them a gift that they’ll treasure for years to come.

By finding photos and memorabilia from years past, and pasting them into a stylish scrapbook, they’ll be able to flip through the chapters of their time on this planet with a smile on their face.

Be sure to go high end on this one, as it will come with features that will make the book look extra special, and its durability will ensure that it will last well into the future.