Category Archives: Teens

How to Look for Student Accommodation Loughborough

Starting any new university or college course can be nerve-wracking. You’re likely to find yourself among many other young people, none of whom you actually know. Of course, everyone is in the same position but it can be a little nervy nonetheless. It makes sense then to do everything you can to find a place you can call home for the length of time you will be in Loughborough for. The good news is there are plenty of rental properties around in this area, many of which are designed with students

Business people who have established flourishing careers: can they motivate your child?

Children have a thirst for knowledge and enjoy learning new things, and if they are interested in changing the world with some of their ideas, it's a good idea that they have a mentor that they can relate to. Having someone who can motivate your child can in fact change the way that child sees the world, and can give way to new ideas. If a child is interested in business, there are plenty of successful individuals in the world today who can offer them goals to help them achieve their dreams and

5 tips to keep kids safe online

In the 21st century, the internet has ushered in a new world where information, media and entertainment is easily accessible at the click of a mouse. Unfortunately, this free and easy access has made it very easy for our kids to access age-inappropriate material, and it has made it easier for people with malicious intent (like bullies or predators) to gain access to and harm our children. There are many amazing benefits that the net can confer upon today's kids, but it is vital that you take